Your Unique Needs, Our Personalized Solutions
The Salt Room® realizes that every person who enters our spa establishment has their own unique and individual skin care concerns. Which is why we are pleased to provide customized services and products that are personalized and tailored exclusively to the needs of each individual client.
Cancellation Policy: If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify the Salt Room at least 24 hours in advance for your appointment to avoid being charged the full service fee. Any appointments rescheduled within the 24 hour window will incur a move fee of $50.
Add-On Services
High frequency (15 minute appointment)
Onmacabim Skin Care Products
We carry a wide range of Onmacabim skin care products. They are the leading manufacturer of advanced natural products for skin health and cosmetics which include herbs from the Judean Desert with a modern technological approach as Biotechnology and Nano technology.
We also offer Doterra products and Celtic Sea Salt products.